Yasin et al. (2019) explained, "the advantageous environmental impacts of urbanization which offsets its harmful effects, might be due to numerous reasons. Such as:
  • Urbanization is accompanied with higher income levels which not only boosts the environment-friendly services sector but also intensifies the demand for environmental quality which reduces Ecological Footprints (EF).
  • Secondly, urbanization also reduces EF due to better facilities and improved living standards as compared to rural areas.
  • Thirdly, urbanization may lead towards the research and development and innovation which reduces EF ultimately." 
For further reading visit: Catechizing the Environmental-Impression of Urbanization, Financial Development, and Political Institutions: A Circumstance of Ecological Footprints in 110 Developed and Less-Developed Countries

Yasin, I., Ahmad, N. & Chaudhary, M.A. Soc Indic Res (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-019-02163-3
